US Junior Hunter National Championship at Saugerties

Currently, some of the Rolling Acres riders are also competing at the US Junior Hunter National Championships, in Saugerties, NY.  Annie Friedman, Alyson Bergmeyer, Ashley Foster, Alyson Gurney, and Hannah Showell are all competing. What makes the Junior Championships so special, is that this doesn’t run like a typical show format.

In order to be eligible to compete, a horse must win a Championship or Reserve Championship in an “A” Rated Junior Hunter Division between July 2 and July 1 and/or be in the top 10 in their zone in any of the four Junior Hunter sections as of July 1 of the current competition year.
The horse must be recorded with the Federation and registered with USHJA at the time of the win for the Championship or Reserve Championship to count. The owner of record of the horse must be a member in good standing of the Federation, i.e.; horses must be shown in accordance with GR1102 and GR1108 in order to be eligible to qualify.

There are three phases to the competition, Under Saddle, Handy Hunter and a Classic Round.  The Under Saddle phase counts for 20% of their total score. The girls will have to do the following based on the regulations: “To be shown at a walk, trot, and canter both ways of the Ring. Horses are to hand gallop one direction, halt and back. Light contact with the horse’s mouth is required. Judged on performance and soundness. Manners and suitability shall be emphasized.”

Next is the Handy Hunter phase which counts for 40% of their total score. Obstacles should simulate those found in trappy hunt country. The course must have at least two changes of direction and at least one combination. Horses are required to trot over one fence on the course, may be asked to lead over one obstacle or open a gate while mounted. Emphasis should be placed on turns and promptness.

Last is the Classic Round which also counts for 40% of their final score. The course must maintain at least ten obstacles, have two changes of direction and have at least one combination. There shall be one single oxer on the course to be ridden at the gallop. Emphasis shall be placed on “brilliance” for this class.

GOOD LUCK LADIES!! More photos and results to follow as we have them!

Ashley and Leena L

Thanks to the wonderful Sheryl Sutherby for the photos!

New Baby and Vermont Results 1

Good Morning Everyone!

Lots of exciting news for this week!!  First off, meet  the latest addition to the Rolling Acres Farm family.  Baby Emily was born Monday, July 22 (same birthday as Prince George!) at 11:00 am.  We’ll have to control Patty or she’ll have her in leadline by next week!  Congratulations to Reynaldo and Noemi for such a beautiful baby girl… Look at all that hair!!! How beautiful!

As you know, the crew is currently competing up north in Vermont. Recently, everyone competed in the Valley Classic Horse Show and did very well! First, here are the Champion and Reserve Champion results:

Champion Low Hunter
Ashley Foster riding  Sin City, owned by Annie Friedman

Reserve Champion Low Hunter
Alyson Gurney riding The Golden Compass

Champion Junior Hunter Large 16-17
Ashley Foster riding Whiskey Blue, owned by Douglas Wheeler

Best Junior Rider on a Horse
Ashley Foster

Winner USET WIHS Jumper Phase
Ashley Foster riding Leena L

Champion Restricted Children’s
Kiana Fiore riding Zivago

Champion Novice
Bernie Coyle riding Beyond the Trees

Reserve Champion Older Adult Hunters 50+
Charlotte Williams riding Frontman

Champion Schooling Hunter
Mary Lisa Leffler riding Sienna, owned by Alexis Humenik

Reserve Champion Schooling Hunter
Connie Mcrill riding Sgt. Pepper

Champion Junior Hunter Small Combined
Ashley Foster riding Sin City, owned by Annie Friedman

What a great job with all the Champions and Reserves by the Rolling Acres group!

Now  for the Class, Classics & Division Results:

In the Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ division Kevin Foster riding  Ufonia P  won  3rd in the NAL Classic , and a  1st, 3rd, 8th and  5th in the over fences.
Connie Mcrill riding Sgt. Pepper  won 8th in the NAL Classic, and a 4th, 3rd, 7th in over fences, and a 9th in under saddle.  Awesome job!

Mary Lisa Leffler riding Zivago, owned by Kiana Fiore, won 3rd in the  $5,000 NEHJA Hunter Derby Qualifier, with the highest second round score awarded by the judges! Excellent riding Mary!

Mary Lisa Leffler riding Denicheur van de Donkhoeve, owned by Paulexi, LLC. won a 2nd and a 5th in the
$500 1.20m Jumper division. Nice job!

Mary Lisa Leffler riding Quastor van de Helle Z, also owned by Paulexi, LLC, won 3rd in the
$10,000 Overland Sheepskin Co Welcome Jumper  class. Way to go Mary!

Ashley Foster riding Carlot won 5th in the Junior-Amateur Owner Jumpers Low Table II.2 division and a 6th in the Junior-Amateur Owner Jumpers Low Classic . Excellent riding!

Robin Feldman riding Prestige  won a 2nd and a 3rd in the Modified Adult Hunter division. Super!

Brianna Sims riding Fortissimo , owned by Allyson Quirk,  competed in the Junior Hunter Large 15 & Under  division and won 3rd and 4th  in over fences,  5th in the Handy, 6th in the Classic, and a 6th in Under Saddle. Wonderful job!

Hannah  Showell riding Axtrex  competed in the Junior Hunter Large 16-17 division and won a 4th and a 5th in the Over Fences, an 8th in the Handy a 7th in the Classic and a 4th in Under Saddle.

Annie Friedman riding Abitibi Blues  won 1st in the Children’s Jumper High (1.10-1.15m) II.2.c division!
On  Nerazzurro, Annie won a 7th in the  Children’s Jumper High (1.10-1.15m) II.2.c division and a 10th in the  $1,500 M&S Children’s Jumper Classic 11.2.a. Great riding!

Carly Rosenthal riding Baron Des Sources  competed in the Children’s Hunter Horse 15-17  and finished with a 7th in Over fences. Nice job Carly!

Sahara Reiz riding Chand De Paix  competed in the  New England 0.90m Jumper II.b  and won a 1st and a 2nd!  Awesome job!

Alyson Gurney riding  The Golden Compass showed in the Junior Hunter Large 16-17 division and won a 3rd and a 6th in Over fences, a 3rd in the Classic, a 4th in the Handy and a 3rd in Under Saddle. In the  Low Hunter Over fences division she won a 2nd and a 3rd. Alyson also won a 5th in the $1000 Junior Working Hunter Classic. Way to go!

 Devon Monroe riding Shinkansen won a 5th in the Children’s Jumper High Division, a 9th in the $1,500 M&S Children’s Jumper Classic and a 6th in the $1,500 NAL/WIHS Children’s Jumper Classic. Nice job Devon!
Allison Bergmeyer riding McGwire in the Junior Hunter Large 15 & Under  won a  1st, 4th, and  5th  in Over Fences,  a 2nd in the Handy, and a 2nd in Under Saddle. She also rode in the Performance Working Hunter 3’6” and won a 4th and an 8th in Over fences. Way to go!

 Kimberly Saul riding Delphine, owned by Alyson Gurney, won Reserve Champion in the Adult Amateur Hunter Division! Way to go! She also won two 2nds in the Schooling Hunter Over Fences Division.

Peyton Scott, also known as “Pey Pey,” rode in Leadline on Float Your Boat and looked adorable!
Shalyn Scott also rode Float Your Boat in Walk/Walk Trot class and won a 2nd and two 4ths!
McKenna Scott also rode very well and made everyone proud!

So far, the Rolling Acres Crew is doing wonderfully in Vermont and we couldn’t be more proud! Stay tuned for more results as the showing continues!

Allison Bergmeyer & McGwire- Vermont

Bernadette Coyle and Beyond The Trees- Vermont

Charlotte Williams & Frontman- Vermont

Connie Mcrill & Sgt. Pepper- Vermont

Mary Lisa Leffler & Zivago- Vermont

Mary Lisa- Vermont

Pey Pey & Loafy- Vermont
Thanks to Sheryl Sutherby for the great photos!! 

New Outdoor Ring Coming Our Way!!

Happy Friday everyone!

We are enjoying beautiful weather here on the farm, with low humidity and powder puff clouds.  The butterflies are absolutely amazing in the hay fields right now.  I’ve never seen so many!

It looks like the perfect week for us to begin renovations to the outdoor ring.  You may have noticed that we removed all the jumps.  That was step one.  This week will begin the removal of all the material in the ring.  Then, new drainage and sub footing will be installed, followed by new all-weather, low-dust footing. Exciting! Please stay tuned for “before” photos and more updates as we go along.

On a side note, sending congratulations all the way to Vermont to Zivago, owned by Kiana Fiore, and ridden by Mary Lisa Leffler, for their 3rd place finish in the Hunter Derby, which included the highest second round score! Way to go!

Mary Lisa Leffler and Zivago

Thanks to Sheryl Sutherby for this wonderful photo of the pair! 

The Chaos Before the Horse Show! (The Rolling Acres Crew is heading to Vermont!)

Anyone who rides and competes regularly, knows how much preparation goes into getting ready for a horse show. Not only the training and preparation in the saddle, but all the other odds and ends that need to be done outside of riding  in order for a successful trip. Those of you that do this regularly for one or two horses know the amount of work it takes…but what about for over 25 horses? Now that takes an army!!

The Rolling Acres crew is heading to Vermont for three weeks to compete in the Vermont Summer Festival 2013. After the equipment trailer, a five-horse, a golf cart carrier, three cars, 60 bales of hay and TWENTY EIGHT HORSES packed into THREE TRACTOR TRAILERS, oh, and way too many trunks to count, the group was finally ready to leave this morning! 
Some of the tack trunks waiting to be loaded
 One of three tractor trailers full of horses

The equipment trailer is jam-packed!
 Part of the Rolling Acres Caravan
Rolling Acres would like to wish good luck and happy showing to all of our riders competing in Vermont. This show is  bittersweet  for many of our riders, as this is their last competition before heading off to their first year of college. We couldn’t be more proud!! Go get em’! 

Eventful Past Two Weekends for Rolling Acres Riders!!

Rolling Acres Show Stables has been keeping busy these last two weekends with horse shows, lots of ribbons, and even a crazy trailer accident! Thankfully, no one was hurt- keep reading below for more details and the amazing show results that followed.

Earlier in July, Rolling Acres competed at HITS Culpepper and did very well. There was a big group who rode and everyone rode wonderfully, representing the farm. Here are the results:

Hannah Showell riding Axtrex, won the MHSA Hunter Seat Equitation Horse class. Way to go Hannah!

Mary Lisa Leffler on Denicheur van de Donkhoeve, owned by Paulexi LLC, finished 2nd
and Ashley Foster riding Indy placed 4th in the $500 Level 5 Farm Vet Jumper – 1.20m
class. Congratulations!

Ashley Foster riding Carlot finished 2nd in the $500 Level 5 Farm Vet Jumper – 1.20m
class and Mary Lisa Leffler on Denicheur van de Donkhoeve, owned by Paulexi LLC, finished in 4th. Nice job!

Mary Lisa Leffler riding Denicheur van de Donkhoeve, owned by Paulexi LLC, were also Reserve Champion of the Level 5 Farm Vet Jumper division. Way to go!

Annie Friedman and Nerazzurro  finished in7th place in the Level 2 Jumper – 1.00m class. Awesome job!

Ashley Foster riding Indy placed  2nd in the $1000 Jr/AO Jumper High – 1.40m class. Congrats!

Mary Lisa Leffler riding Holland, owned by Lyn Bennett,  had a great ride placing 3rd in the Level  0 Jumper – 0.80m class. Nice job!

Sahara Reiz riding Chant De Paix, placed 3rd in the Children’s Jumper Low – 1.00m class. Awesome!

Kevin Foster riding Nikita finished 2nd, while Jillian Clay riding Superieur, owned by Kirsten Pollin, also did well placing 8th in the – Adult Jumper High – 1.10m class. Wonderful riding!

 Annie Friedman riding Abitibi Blues  had a great round and placed 2nd and 3rd in the Children’s Jumper High – 1.10m class. She also won the class riding Nerazzurro. Congratulations Annie!

Ashley Foster riding Leena L in the WIHS Medal-Hunter Phase finished in 2nd.
Brianna Sims on Fortissimo, owned by Allyson Quirk, did well finishing in 4th place and
Hannah Showell riding Axtrex also rode well finishing in 6th in the same class. Nice job ladies!

Ashley Foster riding Sin City, owned by Annie Friedman, was 1st and 3rd in the $300 Small Junior Hunter class. Nice job!

Hannah Showell riding Axtrex were 2nd and Brianna Sims riding Fortissimo, owned by Allyson Quirk,  were 4th in the $300 Large Junior Hunter class. Way to go!

In the Large Junior Hunter division  Ashley Foster riding Whiskey Blue  were 1st, Brianna Sims riding Fortissimo, owned by Allyson Quirk, were 5th and Hannah Showell riding  Axtrex were 6th. Awesome job ladies!

Kevin Foster riding Ufonia P were 1st and 2nd in the Adult Hunter 50 & Over division. Congrats!

Kiana Fiore riding Zivago finished 1st in the Maiden Equitation Fences division! Wonderful Kiana! Also in the Maiden Equitation Fences division,
Carly Rosenthal riding Baron des Sources finished 1st, Kiana Fiore riding Zivago were 2nd,  and Bernadette Coyle riding Beyond the Trees were 5th.  Way to go!

In the Novice Equitation Fences class, Bernadette Coyle riding Beyond the Trees were 2nd  and 5th , Carly Rosenthal riding Baron des Sources were 1st and 4th, and Kiana Fiore riding Zivago were 7th. Wonderful riding!

In the Green Pony Schooling Hunter class, Meredith Clay riding Birtley’s Crowned Jewel finished in 3rd. Nice job!

In the Sm/Med Green Pony Hunter division, Meredith Clay riding Birtley’s Crowned Jewel  finished with a 4th and two 5ths. Awesome!

In the Thoroughbred Hunter 1 class, Bernadette Coyle riding Beyond the Trees finished in 8th.

In the $500 Green Conformation Hunter Division, Mary Lisa Leffler riding Whiskey Blue finished with five 2nd s and a 3rd  to take home the Reserve Champion ribbon! Congratulations!

Annie Friedman riding Now How Z  finished 6th in the Modified Junior/Amateur Hunter class. Way to go!

In the Schooling Hunter class,  Mary Lisa Leffler riding Ufonia placed 8th.

In the HITS Hunter 2 division, Mary Lisa Leffler riding Sienna, owned by Alexis Humenik, were 1st and 3rd. Nice job! They were also  Champion Training Hunter
and Reserve Champion HITS Hunter 2. Wonderful riding!

 Also, congrats to Annie Friedman who placed 1st and 2nd in the Child Jumper Classic, Kevin Foster who was 3rd in the Adult Jumper Classic plus Champion and Classic Winner in Adults , Brianna Sims for being the Large Junior’s Champion , Ashley Foster who was Reserve Champion as well as Champion of the Small Junior Hunters , Carly who was Champion of Maiden and Novice , Hannah who was winner of the MHSA, Kiana and Bernadette who were winners in the Maiden, and Meredith, Sahara and Jill all who had great ribbons!

More recently, the farm traveled for the second week at Culpeper, Cavalier Classic July 10-14th where they continued to make Rolling Acres proud by riding very well and being tough competitors at the show!

Mary Lisa Leffler riding Whiskey Blue, Owned by Douglas Wheeler, were Champion First Year Green Working Hunter.

Mary Lisa Leffler riding Sin City, owned by Annie Friedman, were Champion Performance Working Hunter 3’6”.

Mary Lisa Leffer riding Sienna, owned by Alexis Humenik,  were Reserve Champion Training Hunter.

Mary Lisa Leffler riding Denicheur van de Donkhoeve, owned by Paulexi LLC, were Champion in the Level 5 Farm Vet Jumper.

Annie Friedman riding Abitibi Blues were also Champion in the Children’s Jumper High division. Way to go ladies!

 Mary Lisa Leffler riding Whiskey Blue  in the Hi-Low Hunter finished in 3rd.  In the
$500 First Year Green Working Hunter they were 1st, 1st, 3rd, in the Handy they finished 2nd, and in the Under Saddle were 3rd. Congratulations!

In the $5,000 Devoucoux Hunter Prix Mary Lisa Leffler riding Sin City, owned by Annie Friedman, were 5th. In the  $300 Performance Working Hunter 3’3” division the pair was  1st, 1st, 2nd and  1st in the Handy,  and 3rd in Under Saddle. Wonderful!

Annie Friedman riding Nerazzurro finished 4th in the Level 2 Jumper – 1.00m.
Also, Annie Friedman riding Abitibi Blues  in the Children’s Jumper High – 1.10m finished 1st and 2nd.  Awesome!

Connie Mcrill riding Sgt. Pepper, were 1st and 2nd in the Schooling Hunter division as well as 4th and 7th in the Adult Hunter 50 & Over division. Nice job Connie!

Annie Friedman riding Now How Z  in the $300 Small Junior Hunter were 3rd, 6th, 7th ,  3rd in the Handy, and 6th in Under Saddle. Way to go!

Meredith Clay riding Birtley’s Crowned Jewel  in the $100 Small/Medium Green Pony Hunter – OF division were 1st, 6th , and 7th in  Conformation, 6th in Under Saddle, and 5th in the Green Pony Schooling Hunter. Awesome riding!

Mary Lisa Leffler riding Sienna, owned by Alexis Humenik. came home with two 1sts in the Training Hunter Over Fences division.  Congrats!

 In the HITS Hunter 2 division, Bethany Frick riding Flight 337, were 8th,  8th,  and 8th.

Laurie Hilburg riding Sienna, owned by Alexis Humenik, were  1st and  Bethany Frick riding Flight finished in 8th.
In the Hits Hunter 2 Under Saddle class, Bethany Frick riding Flight 337 finished in 2nd. Amazing job Bethany!
-Bethany & Flight were the ones involved in a horrible accident on the way to the show that we had mentioned earlier. We are so proud of this pair and thankful that God was watching over to make sure they are both okay!

In the Level 0 Jumper – 0.80m division, Elisabeth Lavine riding Lionhearts’AFlippn finished  6th and Mary Lisa Leffler riding Holland, owned by Lyn Bennett, were 9th. Nice job ladies!

Devon Monroe riding Shinkansen  was 3rd, and 4th  in the Children’s Jumper High – 1.10m division.

In the $2,000 M&S/NAL Child Jumper Classic, Devon Monroe riding Shinkansen were 6th and  Annie Friedman  riding Nerazzurro were 9th.

Last but not least, Kevin Foster riding Nikita in the $2,000 M&S/NAL Adult Jumper Classic rode well, placing 12th.

What an eventful two weeks it has been! We are proud of all the Rolling Acres riders for continuing to ride successfully and show the world what Rolling Acres is all about!

Check out these stunning photos from the talented Sheryl Sutherby:

And some of the horrible trailer accident on the way to the show:

Congratulations to Buddy Bass & Lisa Kuntz

Rolling Acres Show Stables would like to congratulate Buddy Bass on the purchase of Zee, previously owned by Lisa Kuntz.  Best of luck in the future for this wonderful pair!

Swan Lake Summer Kick-Off Classic Show & PJA Jumper Classic Show Results

Last week, Rolling Acres riders competed at the Swan Lake Summer Kick Off Classic AA Horse Show in Littlestown, Pennsylvania. We had a very large group of riders who all did exceptionally well and represented the Rolling Acres Show Stables wonderfully! There are lots of results so make sure you read all the way to the bottom to see how everyone did! Congrats again to all the riders.

Mary Lisa Leffler had several rides over the show. First up is Quatar Van de Helle Z, owned by Paulexi, LLC. The pair finished 2nd in the Kickoff Classic Grand Prix and 4th in the Swan Lake Stables Welcome Stakes.  On Denicheur Van de Donkhoeve, also owned by Paulexi, LLC, Mary won 1st and 2nd in the 1.20m Jumpers and 1st in the 1.0m Jumpers class. Riding Sgt. Pepper, owned by Connie McRill, the pair finished 1st in the Panetta Show Services Hunter 2’9” class.

Competing Frontman, owned by Charlotte Williams, Mary finished 5th in that same class.
Riding Maestro, owned by Susan Grange, Mary won 4th place in the .90m Jumpers and 8th in the Classic.  Way to go!

Ashley Foster competed Leena in several classes. In the Low Working Hunter 2’9” or 3’ class, the pair won a 1st and a 2nd in the Over fences.  In the Pessoa/USEF Hunter Seat Medal class, Ashley and Leena won! They also won 1st in the WIHS Hunter Phase 3’6” class, the WIHS Jumper Phase and the WIHS Overall class. Awesome job!

Riding Carlot, Ashley placed  1st in the Low Jr Am. Owner Jumper class, and 2nd in that class as well. She also won 5th in the NAL Classic class. Competing Indy, Ashley placed  3rd and 4th in the Low Jr. Am. Owner Jumper  and won the NAL Classic class! Awesome job Ashley!

Bethany Frick riding Flight 337 placed 5th in Over Fences and 9th in the Under Saddle class in the Pre-Adult Hunter division.

Hannah Showell rode Axtrex in the MHSA Hunter Seat on Horses class and won!! In the Large Jr. Hunter Over Fences class the pair won 4th, 6th, and 6th. In the Handy Hunter Class they won  8th, and also in the Under Saddle class they finished with an 8th place. Congrats!

Alexis Humenik riding Delphine, owned by Alyson Gurney, placed 3rd in the Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 Over fences class. Riding Carderock, owned by Randall Johnson, she  won 6th in the Adult Am. Hunter 18-35 class and 6th in the MHSA Adult Medal 3’ class. Congrats!

Brianna Sims rode Fortissimo, owned by Allyson Quirk, and did very well placing 3rd, 7th, and 10th in the Large Jr. Hunter Over Fences class and 9th in the Handy Hunter class as well as 5th in the Under Saddle class. They also placed 5th in the WIHS Hunter Phase class. Wonderful riding!
Bernadette Coyle riding Beyond The Trees competed in the Pre-Children’s Hunter Horse division and won 2nd, 7th, and 9th in the Over Fences portion, as well as 9th in the Under Saddle and 9th in the Classic.  Way to go!

Kevin Foster competed Ufonia in Adult Am. Hunter 50+  division and won 3rd, 3rd, and  7th in the Over Fences, and 6th in the Classic. The pair also won 2nd in the Panetta Show Services Hunter 2’9” class! Nice job! Riding Nikita in the NAL/WIHS Adult Jumper Classic, the pair placed 5th. And in the High Adult Am Jumper 1.10m class, they finished with a 7th.  Awesome job!

Susanne Smith riding Ultra Violet in the Adult Am Hunter 50+  won a 5th and 6th in the Over Fences class, as well as a 6th in the Under Saddle class.

Liz Lavine competed New Moonbeam in the 2’6” Hunter Over Fences class and finished in 7th place. Great job! Also, Liz rode Lionheart’saflippin  in the 0.80m Jumper division and finished with two 3rds. They also placed 2nd in the Classic.

Meredith Clay riding Birtley’s Crowned Jewel in the Green Pony Hunter Sm/Med  division won 3rd , 3rd,  and 6th in the Over Fences. In the Under Saddle they won 5th, as well as a 6th place in the Confirmation and a 3rd in the Medal class. Super!

Connie McRill riding her own Sgt. Pepper in the Adult Am Hunter 50+ division, won two 6ths in the over fences classes. Way to go!

Kori Pickett, who just graduated from Texas A & M,  rode Pacificia in the Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 division and won a 3rd , 5th , and 6th In the Over Fences classes. Awesome riding!

Mary Lisa Leffler rode Sin City, owned by Annie Friedman, in the 3’3” Performance Working Hunter division and won everything- the over fences classes and the under saddle class!! They ended up being Champion of the division. Congratulations!!

Annie Friedman rode Now How Z in a few different classes. In the 3’3” Performance Hunter division they won 3rd and 5th in the Over Fences classes.  In the Small Jr. Hunter division they won 6th, 6th, and a 7th in the Over Fences as well as 3rd in the Handy Hunter and 7th in the Under Saddle class. Awesome!

Ashley Foster riding Sin City, owned by Annie Friedman, was Reserve Champion in the Small Jr. Hunter Division winning 1st, 2nd,  and 2nd in the Over Fences classes,  4th  in the Handy Hunter, 1st  in the Under Saddle, and 1st in the Classic.

Annie Friedman riding Abitibi won a 1st and a 6th in the High Children’s Jumper 1.10M division. They also won the NAL/WIHS/M&S Children’s Jumper Classic!! Way to go!! Competing Nerazzurro, Annie won a 6th and a 7th in the High Children’s Jumper 1.10M division as well as placing 6th in the NAL/WIHS/M&S Children’s Jumper Classic.

Alyson Gurney riding The Golden Compass was Reserve Champion in the Large Jr. Hunter  finished with a 1st, 2nd, 5th in the Over fences, 1st in the Handy Hunter, and 2nd in the Under Saddle class. Not to mention placing 5th in the Classic!  Awesome job!

Charlotte Williams competed Frontman in the Adult Am Hunter  50+ division and won a 2nd, 5th, and 6th  in the Over Fences class , as well as 5th in the Under Saddle and 11th in the Classic. Way to go!

Kiana Fiore riding Zivago rode in the Pre-Children’s Hunter Horse division and won 1st, 4th, and 8th in the Over Fences, and 7th in the Under Saddle class.  In the Hopeful Hunter 2’ division they won 2nd   and 8th in over fences, and a 4th  in the Under Saddle class. They also finished with a 5th place in the 2’6” Hunter Under Saddle Class. Nice job!

Robin Feldman riding Prestige in the Pre-Adult Hunter Over Fences class finished in 7th place!

Patti Schindler riding Bold Moves in the Adult Am Hunter 50+  division won 4th , 7th ,  and 8th in Over Fences, as well as  5th in the Classic.  Awesome!

In the PJA Jumper Classic Kevin Foster riding Nikita in the $4,000 M&S/NAL-Child/Adult Jumper Classic 112a  finished with a  9th place!

Mary Lisa Leffler & Quastor Van De Helle Z , owned by Paulexi LLC, placed 4th in the $25,000 PJA Grand Prix 112a!

Annie Friedman riding Abitibi Blues in the $4,000 M&S/NAL-Child/Adult Jumper Classic 112a won 4th place!  And riding Nerazzurro in the same class, Annie placed 6th.

Congratulations to all the Rolling Acres Riders!! Way to go!

As always, thanks to Sheryl Sutherby for her amazing photography skills!

Annie Friedman & Abitibi Blues

Ashley Foster 

Charlotte Williams & Frontman 

Kori Pickett & Pacifica together again after 4 years! 

Mary Lisa After Winning 2nd in the Grand Prix! 

Mary riding in the Grand Prix 

Loudoun Benefit Horse Show- A Huge Success for Rolling Acres Riders!!

This past week the Rolling Acres crew headed to the Loudoun Benefit Horse Show and did very well!
Annie Friedman riding Now How Z in the Small Junior Hunters finished 1st in the handy hunters, 2nd and 8th in over fences, a 6th in the under saddle, and an 8th in the confirmation class.  On Abitibi Blues Annie placed 3rdin the 1.05m Children’s Jumpers, and 5th in the Classic. With Nerazzurro, Annie finished 5th in the Children’s Jumpers, and 3rd in the Class. Way to go Annie!
Ashley Foster had several rides over the course of the show doing very well. On Sand’oro, owned by Westwood Farms LLC., she won the Nereus Trophy, won 1st in the over fences, 2nd in the under saddle, 4th in the handy hunter, 4th in the over fences, and 8th in the over fences in the Large Junior Hunter Division.  Riding Tiffani. owned by Danielle Stacy, she won the Railway Progress Trophy, 1st in confirmation, 1st in over fences, 1st in handy hunter, 2ndin another over fences, and 3rd in the under saddle class in the Large Junior Hunter Division. On Leena L she competed in the USEF/Pessoa Hunter Seat Medal class and finished in 2nd place.
Riding Chromeo, owned by Peakewood Pharm, Inc., she placed 1st in over fences, 2ndin handy hunter, 2nd under saddle, 5th in confirmation, 3rdin another over fences in the Small Junior Hunter Division. The pair also placed 2nd in the AO/Jr Hunter Classic Combined. Ashley Foster and Big City, owned by High Cotton Farm, placed 5th in the over fences and 7thin the handy hunter in the Small Junior Hunter Division as well as 8thin the AO/Jr. Hunter Classic Combined class. Ashley was Reserve Champion Small Junior Hunter with Chromeo, Champion Large Junior Hunter with Tiffani, and Reserve Champion Large Jr. Hunter with Sand’oro. Congratulations to Ashley for doing so well on all of her mounts!
Jillian Clay riding Superieur won the  1.05m Adult Jumper Class! They also placed 6th in the NAL/WIHS Classic. Way to go!!
Alyson Gurney riding Delphine did wonderfully at the show placing 3rd and 8thin the over fences, and 5th in the under saddle in the Children’s Hunter 15-17 Division.  4th over fences, 8th  in over fences and 3rd  under saddle in the Local Hunter Division as well as finishing 7th  in the Gittings Equitation class. Nice job Alyson!!
Mary Lisa Leffler riding Sin City, owned by Annie Friedman, were 1st in under saddle and 2ndover fences in the Low Hunters Division.  Riding Beyond The Trees, owned by Bernadette Coyle, she finished with a 3rd in the Low Hunter over fences class.  And last but not least, riding Fortissimo, owned by Allyson Quirk, she placed 10th in the 3’3 Performance Over Fences class.
Hannah Showell riding Axtrex finished 3rd in handy hunters, two 6th’s in over fences, and a 7th in confirmation in the Large Junior Hunter Division. She also was 9th in the WIHS Equitation Classic – Hunter Phase and 6th in the USEF/Pessoa Hunter Seat Medal class. Awesome Job Hannah!
Katie Kranking riding Baron Des Sources finished with a 2nd, a 5th and a 7thin the Adult Amateur 18-35 over fences classes.  She also placed 4th in the MHSA Adult Medal class. Congratulations!!

Certainly last but not least, Kiana Fiore riding Zivago finished 2nd and 9th in the Local Hunter over fences classes, as well as 3rd in the Non-Restricted Children’s Hunter under saddle class and 6th in the Children’s Hunter 14 & Under class.  Way to go Kiana!

Allyson Gurney and Delphine

PS- Delphine is for sale! To find out more visit:

Rolling Acres Takes Upperville Horse Show By Storm!!

This past week, Rolling Acres riders were at the annual Upperville Horse Show. It is the oldest horse show in the nation dating back to 1853 and still held under the oaks in Upperville, Fauquier County, VA. Rolling Acres riders showed their stuff and did very well over the week! Read more below to see the results:

Ashley Foster riding Carlot in the Low Jr. A/O Jumpers at 1.30 meters finished with a 5th, an 8th and a 10th in the Stakes Class. Riding Now How Z, owned by Annie Friedman, she won Reserve Champion and placed 2nd in the Small Jr. Hunter, 2nd in the Handy Hunter and 5th in the Under Saddle Class. Riding Zodoro, owned by Robin Hughes, Ashley placed 1st,  and two 6ths  in the Large Jr. Hunter, 1st in the Handy Hunter class, and 6th in the Under Saddle class. In the WIHS Equitation Classic Ashley wrode Leena L and placed 2nd in the Hunter class, and was 1st being the overall winner in the jumper class!! Way to go Ashley!!

Annie Friedman and Abitibi Blues did very well in the Children’s Jumpers at 1.10m and finished with a 4th and a 5th! Also, the pair finished with a 4th in the Children’s Jumper Classic/NAL/WIHS! Riding Nerazzueeo in the same division, Annie placed with a 6th, an 8th and a 12th in the Classic. Wonderful job Annie!

Jillian Clay on Superieur rode in the 1.00m Jumper Table II class and finished in 1st!! Wow! She also finished 3rd in the Adults Amateur Jumper division. Nice job Jillian!

Alyson Gurney and The Golden Compass, competed in the Large Jr 16-17 Hunter class and came out with a 4th and a 5th. She finished 2nd in the Handy Hunter class and a 3rd in the Under Saddle class. Riding Delphine, Alyson finished in 1st in the Local Hunter Under Saddle class as well as a 7th place finish. Way to Go Alyson!

Mary Lisa Leffler riding Pickin N Singin, owned by Christina Welker, won the JC TIP Hunter Development Class!!!  Wonderful Job!

Kevin Foster and Ufonia P. did very well placing 4th and 8th in the Adult Amatuer 50 & Over class. On Nikita in the Adult Amateur Jumper 1.10m he finished 4th  and 12th in the Classic.  Excellent!!

Last but not least, Charolotte Williams riding Ernie went in an absolute deluge and placed 9th!  She’s one tough bird! Way to go Charlotte!

Congratulations again to all the Rolling Acres riders who competed well! Way to make us proud!

Check out these awesome photos from the talented Sheryl Sutherby below:

Annie Friedman & Abitibi Blues
Ashley Foster & Carlot

 Jillian Clay & Superier

Kevin Foster & Nikita