Results from the St. Christopher’s Horse Show

Here are our FULL results from the St. Christopher’s Horse Show held at Swan Lake Stables in Littlestown, PA!

Blue Monday and Ashley Foster were USHJA 2′ Hunter Champions

 Carlot and Gen Cullen were Adult Amateur Younger Hunter Reserve Champions and were 4th in the Adult Hunter Classic

Stepping Stone and Alexis Mozeleski were Reserve Champions in the Pre-Adult Hunters

Chime and Ashley Foster were 2nd in the Green 3′ Incentive

Basalt and Mary Lisa Leffler were 3rd in the $5,000 USHJA Hunter Derby

Candidate and Katie Triatntos were 3rd in the Jr Hunter Classic

Axtrex and Natalie Pearce were 5th in the Childrens Hunter Classic

Intrepid and Elle Hogan were 6th in the Jr Hunter Classic

Good Reason and Caitlyn Hill were 3rd in the Pony Hunter Derby, 7th in the Pony Hunter Classic
Gen Cullen won the Ariat Adult Medal

Emma Wagner was 6th in the Gittings Medal

Alex Koscelnik was 7th in the Gittings Medal
Captiol II and Bari Friedman were Low Jr/AO Jumper Champions and were 8th in the Low Jr/AO Jumper Classic

Casilla and Katie Triantos were Reserve Champions in the High Childrens Jumper Division and 2nd in the Childrens Jumper Classic

Stardust and Ashley Foster were Reserve Champions in the 1.30M Jumper Division and were 6th in the Open Welcome

Carlzon and Katie Triantos were 2nd in the Low C/A Jumper Classic
DA Vittoria and Dawn Vileno were 2nd in the Adult Jumper Classic

The Winter Soldier and Tess Madnick were 2nd in the .80 Stake Class

Angelina and Lia Nathan were 6th in the .90 Stake Class

I Dottori VD Richter were 7th in the $25,000 St. Christopher’s Grand Prix and 5th in the Open Welcome

C’Est Le Vie and Jen Mehalko were 8th in the Low C/A Jumper Classic

Allimet and Bethany Frick were 11th in the Low C/A Jumper Classic


Ashley Foster won the Style of Riding Award in the $25,000 Grand Prix

WELL DONE everyone!!

It was another great weekend in Virginia!

Here are the results from the Lexington Spring Encore in Lexington, VA:
Mary Lisa Leffler and Basalt (pictured above) won the Laura Pickett Perpetual Trophy for Highest Points in the Lexington Spring Series Derbies and were 5th in the $5,000 National Derby
Caitlyn Hill won the Best Child Rider on a Pony Award
Katie Triantos won the Best Junior Rider Award
Classic and Dorli Burke (pictured above) were Champions in the A/O Hunter Division
Gossip Girl and Katie Triantos (pictured above) were Champions in the Junior Hunter Division and 2nd in the Junior Hunter Classic
Corrado and Katie Triantos was Reserve Champion in the Junior Hunter Division and were 3rd in the Jr Hunter Classic
Good Reason and Caitlyn Hill were Large Pony Hunter Champions and were 2nd in the Pony Hunter Classic
Sansiro Z and Mary Lisa Leffler were Green Hunter 3′ Champions and 6th in the Green 3′ Incentive
Charming and Mary Lisa Leffler were Reserve Champions in the 3’6″ Performance Hunter Division
Charming and Dorli Burke were Reserve Champions in the 3’6″ A/O Hunter Division
Paperboy and Kylie Reynolds were 8th in the Childrens Hunter Classic
Basalt and Heather Bamford were 9th in the Adult Hunter Classic
Twenty Twenty and Connie McRill were 12th in the Adult Hunter Classic
Intrepid and Elle Hogan were 10th in the Jr Hunter Classic
Lex Seiden won the MHSA Hunt Seat Medal, won the Gittings Medal, was 4th in the VHSA, 7th in the WIHS Hunter phase, 1st in the WIHS Jumper phase and was 2nd overall in the WIHS medal 
Katie Triantos was 5th in the VHSA, 1st in the WIHS Hunter phase, 2nd in the WIHS Jumper phase, won the overall WIHS, was 5th in the MHSA Hunt Seat Medal and 2nd in the Gittings Medal
Elle Hogan was 2nd in the MHSA Hunt Seat Medal 
Black Friday and Alyson Gurney (pictured above) won the Adult Jumper Classic and were High Adult Jumper Reserve Champions
Casilla and Katie Triantos won the Childrens Jumper Classic
Hopkins and Lola Schumpert were 3rd in the Low C/A Jumper Classic
Doppsko Chula and Emily Deckelman were 4th in the Med C/A Jumper Classic
Qualle and Kirsten Pollin were 4th in the Adult Jumper Classic
Carlzon and Katie Triantos were 4th in the Childrens Jumper Classic
Stardust and Ashley Foster were 8th in the Open Welcome Stake
Penelope and Sue Moheildin were Low C/A Reserve Champions and were 2nd in the Low C/A Jumper Classic
Contador and Jen Mehalko were 4th in the Low Jr/AO Jumper Classic
Well done everyone!!

Lexington Spring Premiere Results

Basalt & Mary Lisa Leffler

Here are the full results from the Lexington Spring Premiere in Lexington, VA! Well done everyone! 
Basalt and Mary Lisa Leffler won the $5,000 USHJA Hunter Derby

Patty Foster
Patty Foster was the Leading Trainer for the Hunter Derby
Candidate and Katie Triantos were 7th in the Derby and were the High Point Junior Hunter Rider in the Derby
Mahalo and Katie Kranking were 12th in the Derby
Sansiro Z and Mary Lisa Leffler were 3′ Green Hunter Champions and were 3rd in the Green 3′ Incentive
Basalt and Mary Lisa Leffler were Perf 3’6″ Hunter Champions
Candidate and Katie Triantos were Junior Hunter Champions and was 2nd in the Jr Hunter Classic
Good Reason and Caitlyn Hill were Champions in the Large Pony Hunters, Reserve Champions in the Schooling Pony Hunters and won the Pony Hunter Classic
Charming and Mary Lisa Leffler were Reserve Champions in the 3’6″ Perf Hunter Division
Charming and Dorli Burke were A/O Hunter Reserve Champions
Gossip Girl and Katie Triantos were Reserve Champions in the Junior Hunter Division and won the Jr Hunter Classic
Mahalo and Katie Kranking were 2nd in the Adult Hunter Classic
Carlot and Gen Cullen were 3rd in the Adult Hunter Classic
Axtrex and Natalie Pearce were 2nd in the Childrens Hunter Classic
Paper Boy and Kylie Reynolds were 5rd in the Childrens Hunter Classic

Katie Triantos

Katie Triantos won the WIHS Jumper phase and was the WIHS Overall winner, was 2nd in the WIHS Hunter Phase, was 5th in the MHSA Medal, and 6th in the VHSA Medal and was Best Child Rider on a Horse

Natalie Pearce was 4th in the Gittings Medal
Carlzon and Katie Triantos were High Childrens Jumper Champions and were 5th in the Children Jumper Classic
Penelope and Sue Mohieldin were 3rd in the Low C/A Jumper Classic
Newmarket Touchstone and Addie Jabin were 4th in the Low C/A Jumper Classic
Black Friday and Alyson Gurney were 4th in the Adult Jumper Classic
Stardust & Ashley Foster
Stardust and Ashley Foster were 5th in the Open Welcome and 4th in the $25,000 Rockbridge Grand Prix
Skywalker and Lauren Rachuba were 3rd in the Low Jr/AO Jumper Classic
Contador and Jen Mehalko were 11th in the Low Jr/AO Jumper Classic

Maryland National Horse Show


We showed at the Maryland National Horse Show this past weekend at the McDonogh School in Owings, MD.

Basalt and Mary Lisa Leffler were Champions in the USHJA 2’6″ Hunter Division
Gossip Girl and Katie Triantos (photo above) were Champions in the Older Junior Hunter Division and were 2nd in the Jr/AO Hunter Classic
Pura Vida and Alex Koscelnik (photo below) were Younger Childrens Hunter Champions and were 11th in the Childrens Hunter Classic


Masterpiece and Emma Wagner (photo below) were Older Childrens Hunter Champions and 3rd in the Childrens Hunter Classic


Breakout and Chloe Fagan were 7th in the Childrens Hunter Classic
Basalt and Heather Bamford were 10th in the Adult Hunter Classic
Laddy Boy and Lola Schumpert were 7th in the High C/A Jumper Classic
Congratulations everyone!

Showplace Spring Festival Results

Results from the Showplace Spring Festival at the
McDonogh School in Owings, MD
Mahalo and Katie Kranking were Champions in the A/A Younger Hunter Division and 5th in the Adult Hunter Classic
Kilkenny Aragorn and Amy Donohue won all 4 of their training jumper classes!
Congratulations ladies! Well done!

End-of-Circuit Results from HITS Ocala!


Guppy L and Ashley Foster

Sansiro Z and Mary Lisa Leffler were 2nd half AND Overall Circuit Champions in the Green 3′ Hunter Division

Sansiro Z and Mary Lisa Leffler
Chime and Mary Lisa Leffler were 2nd half Reserve Circuit Champions in the Green 3′ Hunter Division
Charming and Mary Lisa Leffler were 2nd half Reserve Circuit Champions in the Performance 3’6″ Division

McGwire and Deeley Middleton
McGwire and Deeley Middelton were 2nd half Reserve Circuit Champions in the Post Time Adult Hunter Division
Westminster and Reagan Williams were 2nd half Circuit Champions in the Post Time Childrens Hunter Division
Deeley Middleton was the 2nd half Reserve Circuit Champion in the Adult Equitation 2′ Division
Qualle and Kirsten Pollin were 2nd half Reserve Circuit Champions in the A/A Older Jumper Division
Guppy L and Ashley Foster were 1.20 M Reserve Circuit Champions for the 2nd half AND the overall circuit.

Results from Ocala & Maryland!

Mary Lisa Leffler and Sansiro Z


Hard to believe we’re nearing the end of the winter circuit. Lots of results from the past week, including the McDonogh School Spring Classic. Well done everyone!

HITS IX in Ocala

Sansiro Z and Mary Lisa Leffler were Champions in the Green 3′ Division


Roxy de Virton and Ashley Foster were Reserve Champions in the Green 3′ Division


Twenty Twenty and Connie McRill were Reserve Champions in the Adult Hunter Older Division and were 3rd in the Adult Hunter Classic


Good Reason and Caitlyn Hill were 2nd in the Pony Hunter Classic


Deeley Middleton and McGwire


Deeley Middleton was Champion in the Adult Eq 2′ Division


Lex Seiden and Contasia


Lex Seiden was 2nd in the WIHS Jumper Phase and 2nd in the WIHS Hunter Phase


Gen Cullen was 2nd in the Dover Adult Medal


Caitlyn Hill was 2nd in the WIHS Pony Medal



Ashley Foster and Stardust


Stardust and Ashley Foster were 3rd in the $15,000 1.4M Jumper Classic


Roxy De Virton and Lola Schumpert were 7th in the Low C/A Jumper Classic


Capitol II and Amy Donohue were 8th in the Low C/A Jumper Classic


Doppsko Chula and Emily Deckelman were 11th in the Medium C/A Jumper Classic


Laddy Boy and Lola Schumpert were 12th in the Medium C/A Jumper Classic



McDonogh Spring Classic at the McDonogh School in Maryland


Axtrex and Natalie Pearce were 3rd in the Childrens Hunter Classic


Breakout and Chloe Fagain were 5th in the Childrens Hunter Classic


Pura Vida and Alex Belt were 9th in the Childrens Hunter Classic

Week VIII Results from HITS Ocala

Caitlyn Hill & Good Reason

Twenty Twenty and Connie McRill were Reserve Champions in the Adult Amateur Older Division
Connie McRill & Twenty Twenty
Good Reason and Caitlyn Hill were 3rd in the Pony Hunter Derby
Wyatt and Lily Pollin were 8th in the Amateur/Owner Hunter Classic
Lex Seiden was 4th overall in the WIHS earning a 4th in the Jumper Phase and 6th in the Hunter Phase
Reagan Williams was 5th in the MS Childrens Medal
Stardust and Ashley Foster were 3rd in the $15,000 1.40M Classic
Ashley Foster & Stardust

Captiol II and Amy Donahue were 5th in the Child/Adult Jumper Low Classic
Kirsten Pollin & Qualle
Qualle and Kirsten Pollin were 6th in the $7500 MS Adult Jumper Classic

HITS Ocala VII Horse Show Results

Here are our results for the HITS Ocala VII Horse Show! 
Sansiro Z and Mary Lisa Leffler were Green 3′ Champions
Charming and Mary Lisa Leffler were Performance 3’6″ Champions
Liberty Blue and Mary Lisa Leffler were Baby Green Hunter Reserve Champions
Intrepid and Elle Hogan were 10th in the 3’6″ Junior Hunter Classic
Westminster and Reagn Williams were 12th in the Childrens Hunter Classic
Gen Cullen was 5th in the Dover Adult Medal and 3rd in the Ariat Adult Medal
Well done everyone!

Winter like HITS Ocala Week 6

Black Friday with Alyson Gurney & Beto Silva
Rolling through Winter like HITS Ocala Week 6!!
Westminster and Reagan Williams were Champions in the Post Time Childrens Hunter Division
Franceska AH and Hannah Showell were Reseve Champions in the Adult Amateur Hunter Younger Division
Good Reason and Caitlyn Hill were 10th in the Pony Hunter Classic
Qualle and Kirsten Pollin
Qualle and Kirsten Pollin were Champions in the Adult Jumper 46 and over Division
Pablo and Kirsten Pollin were Res. Champions in the Adult Jumper 46 and over Division
Black Friday and Alyson Gurney won the $2,000 NAL Adult Jumper Classic
Capitol II and Amy Donahue were 6th in the $1,000 C/A Jumper Low Classic
Con Sordino and Ari Harris were 6th in the $1,500 C/A Jumper Medium Classic
Doppsko Chula and Emily Deckelman were 11th in the $1,500 C/A Jumper Medium Classic
Daphne Boogaard was Reserve Champion in the Adult Eq 46 and over Division
Great week everyone!!