Here are results from the Maryland Horse and Pony Show in Upper Marlboro, Md:
-Lola Shumpert was 2nd in the MHSA Pony Equitation Finals!
Capiche and Lola Shumpert |
-Classic and Ismael Fuentes won Best Turned Out Horse!
Classic and Ismael Fuentes |
-Classic and Mary Lisa Leffler were Perf 3’3″ Hunters and Grand Champion Hunter for the show!
-Classic and Dorli Burke were A/O 3’3″ Older Reserve Champions
Classic and Dorli Burke |
-Charming and Dorli Burke were A/O 3’6″ Hunter Champions
-Prince Royal and Katri Hunter were Reserve Champions in the High C/A Jumpers and were 5th in the C/A Jumper Classic
-Arrow K and Mary Lisa Leffler were Low Hunter Reserve Champions
Charade and Mekenna Scott were 11th in the Children’s Hunter Classic
Great riding from everyone and lovely photos thanks to Sheryl Sutherby!