It was another week of fun in the sun with some great results from Ocala week 8!

Out of Office and Katie Triantos were Junior Hunter Reserve Champions and 3rd in the Junior Hunter Classic
Carlzon and Katie Triantos were 4th in the Junior Hunter Classic
Katie Triantos won the WIHS Hunter Phase
Emma Wagner was Champion in the Jr Eq 2’6″
Deeley Middleton was Champion in the Adult 2′ Equitation
Tess Madnick was 6th in the USHJA 3’3″ Jumping Seat Medal
Penelope and Sue Mohieldin were Champions in the Medium C/A Jumper Division
501 Mischief Managed and Katie Triantos were Reserve Champions in the High Childrens Jumper Division and 3rd in the High C/A Jumper Classic
Roxy de Virton and Emmy Middleton were 2nd in the Medium Childrens Classic
Angelique and Amy Donahue were 5th in the Low C/A Jumper Classic
Black Friday and Alyson Gurney were 5th in the High Adult Jumper Classic
Newmarket Touchstone and Addie Jabin were 7th in the Low C/A Jumper Classic