Good afternoon,
Here are results from the Boumi Temple Horse Show this weekend:
-Face Time and Mekenna Scott were Green Pony Hunter Reserve Champions
-Connie McRill was 4th in the Ariat National Medal
-Quoteworthy and Bari Friedman were 6th in the Adult Hunter Classic
-Bliksem and Amanda Brightman were 9th in the Adult Hunter Classic
-Pendleton and Georgia Fish were 8th in the Children’s Hunter Classic
-Tempelbach and Sandy Humenik were 3rd in the Low Adult Hunter Classic
-Zidane and Lauren Dugan were 4th in the Low Adult Hunter Classic
-Wing Man and Hannah Showell were 5th in the C/A Jumper Classic
Great riding everyone!
We are sorry, but there aren’t any photos to share this week.
Also sending out a quick congratulations to Pam’s eldest daughter, Kristina, on her engagement this past weekend!